A French Napoléon III period oil on canvas painting from the mid 19th century, with bird and roses in giltwood frame. Created in France at the beginning of emperor Napoléon III's reign, this oil on canvas painting depicts a white and black bird flying down to a luscious bouquet of pink and white flowers growing close to a petite stream. Perfectly composed with diagonals responding to vertical and horizontal lines, the painting showcases a majority of green, pink, white and brown tones. Signed "Marcel" lower right and set inside a gilded frame (the painting on its own is 23.7"H x 14.5"W), this French oil on canvas painting circa 1850 will enliven any wall beautifully, perhaps hung above a commode, side table or buffet.
Place of Origin: France
Period: 19th Century
Dimensions: (Framed) 31" High x 21" Wide x 2.5" Deep - (Painting) 23.7" High x 14.5" Wide
Inventory Number: BLD257
Price: $1,950